Monday, September 5th, the international camp for volunteers called  World Heritage Volunteers Initiative has started in Viscri, Bunești commune, Brasov county. The camp was created and organised to arrange and maintain responsibly the access in the UNESCO rural site in Viscri. The volunteers will spend in Viscri 10 days, as the camp will end on September 15th.

4 young people from Romania and 6 people coming from other countries are attending this volunteer camp. They were selected as they have a special interest they showed in the heritage field, but they are also young professionals or students already involved in the cultural heritage field.

The camp is organised by CNR UNESCO, Mihai Eminescu Trust and ”Heritage for the Future” Cultural Association foundations, and Viscri Council is este partner of the event. On September 13th there will also be an official meeting in Viscri where all the key actors in preserving the heritage in Romania will be invited.

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