Collaborating with Other NGOs and Institutions for Social Inclusion

The MET is actively collaborating with other NGOs and institutions to instil greater social inclusion in our area. Last week, we concluded the Advocacy Campaign for social inclusion with a public debate titled “In-clusion vs. Ex-clusion,” hosted by our colleagues from the Veritas Foundation. We engaged in practical exercises, teamwork, and exchanged information and ideas for future collaborations. The event was organized in partnership with Sighișoara’s CEDES Social Development Centre.

This time, we were pleased to have experts alongside us from Sighișoara’s Social Assistance Directorate, the County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection Mureș, and the Eastern European Institute for Reproductive Health.

Participating NGOs from Sighișoara and the surrounding area that have sent representatives to join our discussions, projects, and initiatives include: Aripi Și Sunet, the Perspective Daneș Association, the Adrian Fights Autism Association, the Intercultural Educational Centre for Sighișoara Youth Association, and HOPA! from Țopa.

After a round of presentations, we split up into two teams to address four distinct themes: community, institutions and authorities, NGOs, and education, and discussed how social integration work can be improved to better engage each of these stakeholders.

This campaign is part of the “ȘURA – Laboratory for experimentation and inclusive civic engagement” project, and is supported by:

Active Citizens Fund – Romania




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