Evening Tours in Sighișoara – CULTFORT

We are looking for a person to join our guide for the evening tours in Sighișoara, starting with the month of June. Each first Friday of the month – from June to September – our CULTFORT team and our charismatic guide, Peter Suciu, will offer evening tours through the city. The gentle breeze of summer evenings will make the tours more pleasant. All tours begin from our office located in the Furriers` Tower more precisely, you will find us on the Cojocarilor Street, no. 10. You can come along for free and there is no registration required. Below are the dates for the next walks:

  • Friday, 2nd of June 2023, from 8:30 PM
  • Friday, 7th of July 2023, from 8:30 PM
  • Friday, 4th of August 2023, from 8:30 PM
  • Friday, 1st of September, from 8:30 PM

This project is financed with the support EEA Grants 2014 – 2021 within the RO-Culture Programme.


The evening tours are guided walks which are designed to uncover the history Sighișoara. During these events, we will visit the city with new eyes, alongside Peter Suciu, a guide who knows almost everything about the city, and together with other people who love the place and live there. These walks take place across all neighbourhoods, not just in the Medieval Fortress. The tours are free and are part of our project, CULTFORT – Cultural and Urban Fortress, through which we re-designed the Tower and Bastion of Butchers to become a space for cultural events in Sighișoara.

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