Between 11th and 16th of July we are bringing a team of eye doctors from Germany who will offer free check-ups in 5 of the villages where we are active in: Alma Vii, Mălâncrav, Archita, Criț
and Roadeș.

The physicians will be present in each village for 7 hours (from 10:00 in the morning to 5 in
the afternoon) and will bring with them the necessary equipment and reading glasses. They
will also have more special frames and lenses, for people who have special diopters, for
example with cylinder or cornea problems.

No appointment is needed to get a free consultation. You can just come from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
in the village that day, we will announce each time on Facebook and put up a poster with
the exact place where it will be held. People from neighboring villages are also welcome,
also free of charge.

The action is organized by the Mihai Eminescu Trust. The physicians travel all
over the world consulting for free in places and villages where there are no eye specialists
and they represent the Vision for the World foundation.
The first village will be Alma Vii, and the physicians will arrive there on Monday, 11th of July.

Consultation schedule:

Moday, July 11 – Alma Vii, Educational Center
Tuesday, July 12 – Mălâncrav, house no. 139
Wednesday, July 13 – Archita, at the kindergarten
Thursday, July 14 – Criț, the barn of the house no. 218
Friday, July 15 – Roadeș, house no. 63

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