Maintenance guide for barns and stables

The typical Saxon household is a model of good organization and functionality.

In the past, a large and beautiful house was the mirror of the good householder. Even today, the regular arrangement of villages and houses creates a pleasant impression on the village as a whole, viewed from the neighboring hills, which attracts visitors.

Sometimes the barns and stables are among the oldest buildings in the village. They can provide important historical information. Often the year of construction is inlaid into the beam.

That is why it is important that these architectural elements are preserved – the shed, the stable, the barn – so as not to reduce the value and beauty of the property.


1. Do not demolish the barns

With little expense they can be repaired and, if they are no longer in use, they can be given a new use, as storage spaces, workshops or guest rooms.

2. Ensure good drainage of rainwater around supporting walls and columns.

Moisture affects the wood and even the brick wall. Dig ditches paved with river rock for water drainage, using the natural slope of the land. Do not pave with cement around traditional buildings.

3. Don’t change the entire cladding: replace the broken tiles with traditional scale tiles.

The traditional cladding is representative of the architecture of rural households and has historical and environmental value.

Hand-made scale tiles, from local clay, are more resistant, easy to install, and better adapted to the climate and relief characteristics of the area. In addition, the harmony of the roofs contributes to the beauty of the landscape. Conversely, an inappropriate cover can damage the image of the entire village.

It is true that traditional tiles are increasingly difficult to find, but there are still accessible producers in several areas of Transylvania.

4. When repairing wooden beams and posts, try to keep as much of the original material as possible, replacing only the damaged parts. Use traditional wooden joints as much as possible.

If done correctly, traditional wooden dowel and joints are stronger, more aesthetic and more suitable for barns and roofs than using metal nails and ties. You can see a correctly made joint in the image below.

By calling on craftsmen from your village or commune, you will also contribute to the sustainable economic development of the area by stimulating small businesses in the field of traditional crafts such as tile production and carpentry.


A beautiful barn with authentic and quality materials offers you the following advantages:

• Contributes to the pleasant appearance of your village, which will attract visitors and increase the value of your home;

• Preserves the integrity and historical and material value of your household;

• It can accommodate an additional living space, if the structure and external appearance of the building are not modified;

• Stimulates the economic development of the area by encouraging small businesses in the field of traditional crafts.

Dear inhabitants of the Saxon villages,

Your old houses and households have remarkable historical and cultural value.

The better informed you are about the correct methods of maintaining and rehabilitating these buildings, the longer they will last, retain their beauty and special character, and their value will increase.

That is why the Mihai Eminescu Trust Foundation provides you with these simple tips and information that will help you enjoy your home more.

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