The MuziCArte summer camp, an event eagerly awaited by MuziCArte project participants, successfully took place the week of July 31st. The summer camp offered a fabulous week of music and community building to 25 children from Laslea, Mălâncrav and Archita, as well as from the commune of Moșna.
We at the Mihai Eminescu Trust dedicated our summer to organizing music, theater, and reading workshops for 130 children and young adults (grades V-VIII) hailing from across four Transylvanian communities. In late July, the moment came when 25 of them – particularly those inclined towards music and theater – were selected to participate in our summer camp.
The children spent an entire week in the village of Mălâncrav, in the commune of Laslea, where they, together with project coordinators and trainers, created the musical “Petrică in the Land of Wonders.” They went on to present the musical twice: once to their parents at the conclusion of our summer camp, and again to the public on Apple Day, October 22nd – a much anticipated celebration of the Mălâncrav community.
The MuziCArte summer camp offered children of different ethnicities the opportunity to befriend each other and create wonderful memories together as they prepared and rehearsed the musical, joined reading workshops, took picturesque hikes, and enjoyed movie nights together.
Bringing together children of diverse backgrounds from these marginalized villages aims to diminish some of the prejudices inherited from their families or communities. Fostering interaction among the children, regardless of their different backgrounds, was a keystone of the summer camp and was actively encouraged by the MuziCArte workshop coordinators and project team.
The camp, through fostering the personal development of its participants, aimed to create a musical that would highlight the promise of a young generation of diverse local children while raising awareness of the important contributions they make to the cultural and artistic life of the community.
This project was co-financed by AFCN.