Our project, MuziCArte, is a programme designed to support the culturally marginalised communities from across Romania. We encourage children from four communities of Transylvania to develop their creative capabilities and imagination. Our main aim is to instil in these communities the importance of an education about culture and art upon which to form a sustainable development of the community itself.
From April to October, you will find us in Moșna, Laslea, Mălâncrav and the village of Archita, with workshops about theatre, music, and literature. The motto of the project is “MuziCArte: Music, arts, and books in marginalised communities”.
The total financing of the project comes to 117 038 RON, of which the Administration of the National Cultural Fund contributes with 86,610.7 RON and the rest of 30,427.3 RON is provided by the Mihai Eminescu Trust Foundation.
For this project we suggest a new teaching method where results are immediately visible. The project will respond in a holistic way to the needs of the community as a result of a complete lack of cultural activities and the growing need for after-school activities for children.
We expect to have about 140 children participating in the project, and around 200 spectators to support them with their cheers. The children who would like to take part in the project will receive support from 3 artists and 4 craftspeople. As such, the children will be able to discover a range of crafts from their area, as the project also wants to highlight the traditional values of those villages. Consequently, everyone from these four rural communities will benefit from the project.
We will organise 20 workshops focused on theatre, music, and literature, and one summer camp in Mălâncrav during which the children will be able to put together a show. We invite you to come to the opening of the show, on the Apple Day, the celebration in the honour of the community where the summer camp will be held. Therefore, we look forward to join us and cheer on for the children on 22 October. The show will be called “Artists from your community”.