The charming places, the flowery meadows, the cool forests, the mysterious legends, the living villages that host strong communities, warm people and traditions that are hundreds of years old have created stories that today are told all over the world and that have made Transylvania a rare emblem and a unique region in the world.

All these riches are provided especially by you, the people, who live in these places, who know the best and who set an example of authentic living, worthy of pride and appreciation.
Your example is found in the pure experience and authentic things you give to the community and to all who step on your doorstep. Whether we find a delicious snack on the table, a jam that reminds us of childhood, a delicately embroidered tablecloth, whether we find a war-woven rug, a table made by your hand or a toy crocheted by you, all these represent for many an experience they will always be able to think about. With these unique things, we as humans create experiences, for ourselves and others, but most of all, memories that can be taken and kept over time as a sign of authenticity and pride.
Whatever you know how to do, be it basket weaving, cooking, sewing, working with iron, wood or other materials, whether you have a passion for something and would like to start somewhere, it is possible to start your business in a domain chosen by you.

With seriousness and patience, you can have your own business that will flourish before your eyes. Practicing a craft is an extraordinarily precious thing, through the rarity of this knowledge. From year to year, the number of craftsmen decreases, while the demand for such practices increases on the market. The products created by traditional techniques are highly sought after by both foreign tourists and Romanian visitors.
Let’s see together what it’s all about, what others have done and what you might like to do too.
Download our mini-guide here, which teaches you how to turn your talent into a business.