Due to the Foundation’s collaboration with the German architect Jan Hulsemann, it was decided to replace the bus station of Florești village, which had been built of iron and plastic pipes, with a new one made of wood and covered with a green roof. The old bus station looked unsightly and was in fact almost completely destroyed only a few months after the Town Hall of Laslea had installed it.
The inhabitants of the village, the Town Hall of Laslea commune and our Foundation tried to find a solution for the construction of a resistant bus station, which would be well integrated in the scenery of the village. Our architect designed a bus station for which we found financial backers and which was built by craftsmen trained in Florești. The materials used were traditional, locally sourced: wood, yellow clay and stone.
The environmentally friendly roof, made of grass placed on top of beams and the plank of the roof, was truly revolutionary in 2007, the year when it was designed. This bus station was very well built by the craftsmen, it looked nice, rain didn’t pour through the green roof and it lasted many years however not enough to justify our efforts. Unfortunately, there are also examples of projects for which we have not achieved the expected level of sustainability.
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